Book Review: Artist

Artist, book three in the Remote Psychic Thriller series, follows Cassie Reynold as she picks up her life following the tragic events of the previous book, Fatal. She begins training for what she feels is her destiny, and in the process follows a handsome detective in the NOLA police force, Kurt Dupond, as he tracks a local serial killer whose signature are the mysterious letters, CLV. She feels compelled to catch this evil man, even if she has to use her powers and kill him herself. However the feelings she has for Dupond force her to deal with her past while trying to move on with her life.

I really enjoyed the descriptive imagery in the book; in fact it seems that is author Eric Douant’s strong suit. As a reader you are able to visualize exactly where the scene is taking place and observe. This also goes for emotional internal monologue, which I always appreciate. Unfortunately, the actual dialogue was a little stilted in parts, particularly when dealing with personal aspects of the characters interaction rather than professional. Readers also should note that although this is part of the Remote Psychic Thriller series, there is really very little in the way of psychic abilities. Although there is an excellent brief but informative summary of the previous two books that details exactly how her powers can be used, it’s pretty clear that in this one Cassie is trying to see if she has what it takes without her abilities, so anyone hoping for a more supernatural thriller will be a little disappointed. As this is a series however, I trust that this is a link in a larger story and that subsequent episodes in Cassie’s life will fit the series title a little better.

Please note, while there may be affiliate links or payment for reviews, all opinions are my own. You can't buy a good review from me, people. I am way too mouthy for that.


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