Book Review: Fibles

Fibles : Children's eBookFibles : Children's eBook by M.R. Everette
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fibles features several Christian short stories designed as fables (fable + Bible - get it!!???!?) to answer the life questions of children. Erlee Bird teaches children to make a morning and evening bedtime routine in order to be first in line for breakfast, Moonie the calf being swindled for a wooden nickel by a fast talking Billy the Buffalo, Potter the Otter learning to do his homework before playtime, and several others.

The stories were cute, and my 6 year old daughter enjoyed them, even giggling at times. She was also able to pick up on the object lesson relatively quickly. There were also some chuckles for the adults, such as Erlee “tweeting” while “online” with his friends. While the stories were cute, I would have liked more obvious Scriptural tie-ins with the stories, since it is supposed to be a fable/Bible mashup. Also, more practically, more pictures would have helped my kids attention. However, I can see this being a really cute VBS or Sunday school curriculum.

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Please note, while there may be affiliate links or payment for reviews, all opinions are my own. You can't buy a good review from me, people. I am way too mouthy for that.


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