Book Review: The Dragon's Breath + Contest!
The Dragon's Breath by Jamie Sedgwick My rating: 4 of 5 stars The Iron Horse is chugging along but are beginning to have a fuel problem. If they don’t find Starfall in the next town they may be stranded. There may be starfall in that town, but there is something else no one expected to find, a mysterious fog that causes terrible hallucinations that the residents deem “Dragon’s Breath.”. All the Iron Horse crew members experience the effect, save Socrates. Can they figure out where it comes from to prevent it among their crew? And what about the residents of Stormwall, how do they combat it? Most importantly, will they find fuel to continue on their quest or be stranded in a strange kingdom? Book three in the Aboard the Great Iron Horse series is jam packed with sword fights, relationship drama, dragon fighting, and intrigue, all in a post-apocalyptic setting with a steam punk twist. While it is book three of a series, I felt that the story stood well on its own, even if you ...