About Us

Hi! I'm Ebie, and I have a lot of stuff going on. I started an adoption agency called A Gift of Hope Adoptions, where I am privileged to still be working, but from home - wahoo! Pulling from my experiences there, I self-published an ebook called Adoption Options: For Prospective Adoptive Parents, which is focused on US adoptive parents and some of the basic options and issues they have. It's not fancy, but it is real and a good resource for those who may deal with adoption peripherally - such as counselors, social service workers, pastors, etc.- but don't know much about adoption as a whole.

When I'm not yapping about adoption I have a couple of side gigs, and three very high maintenance children. One of my side gigs is reviewing books for Bookplex, which is awesome because I get paid to read :) You'll see a lot of the reviews here on the blog.

Another side gig is selling essential oils through doTERRA, about which I will also talk your ear off. I'm slowly turning my house into a less toxic place, and taking control of some of my kids healthcare needs, including those of my mildly autistic son.Or maybe not autistic, we haven't really ever gotten a diagnosis on that, but you know, probably. Or something. Anyway, I have become the queen of alternative therapies for him, and highly recommend adding essential oils to any routine for special needs children, and quite honestly, typically developing children as well.
doTerra essential oils

My husband, Matt, also contributes to this blog occasionally, and also does interesting things like sell insurance. Really, you should check out his Facebook page, he posts interesting articles and sometimes I post ridiculous pictures for him. I know you think he's a stud, but he's mine.


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