Book Review: Once Saved Always Saved

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you prayed the prayer (preferably at an altar call while strains of Just As I Am or I Surrender All are harshly banged out on the organ) but later give in to the urge to smoke a doobie, are you really saved? Is your get into Heaven free card revoked? Can you really backslide but maintain your salvation? Pippin contends that there really is no such thing as a saved backslider, either you’re following Jesus and living as he commands or you’re going to hell.

It’s a fascinating topic and one that stirs up heated debate. Mr. Pippin tells his own story of backslidden youth and how he came to understand the error of his ways and embraced true repentance, but he also cautions that had he not done so and died during that time he would not have gone to heaven, despite his fervent belief at the time that he was a Christian due to a childhood salvation experience. If you are looking to challenge the prevailing “Once Saved, Always Saved” there is a lot of thought provoking content in this book, relying heavily on Scripture and context. I appreciate that immensely. Unfortunately, you have to wade through some poor grammar and a lot of Christianese to get to it. I cringed often at the hellfire and damnation Baptist preacher lingo, and I am well versed in it! As this book is definitely written for Christians I imagine there are a lot of people who are used to it, but I think that if you are trying to make a point to the larger populace perhaps more common language would be appropriate. Still I do appreciate the challenge to the popular doctrine, and I hope many people will consider it as they read the Bible for themselves.

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