Book Review: Cycles of Intuition

Cycles of Intuition: A journey of insights--An inspiring story about business and lifeCycles of Intuition: A journey of insights--An inspiring story about business and life by I. Kostika
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Steve has just learned that his Dad is retiring and leaving him the family business. However, the business has some debt, and he has to figure out how to bring it back around to profitable before the bank pulls financing.

While a fictional story, Cycles of Intuition is a business book that helps you think through issues and problems in your business. Written in an accessible format, without too many textbook dull examples, it helps you to think through your own business model and format your strengths and weaknesses accordingly. It is really a very easy read, and quite revealing. I found myself trying to apply it to my own job, and hopefully it will pay off down the road!

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Please note, while there may be affiliate links or payment for reviews, all opinions are my own. You can't buy a good review from me, people. I am way too mouthy for that.


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