Book Review: The Quest for Hope: Invisible Battles

The Quest for Hope (Invisible Battles, #1)The Quest for Hope by A.S. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Aliatta has been raised a princess, but has never quite been able to pinpoint why she has such terrible dreams. She is always fighting terrible monsters she can’t defeat herself, but is defended by beautiful, shining creatures. Unbeknownst to her, Aliatta has been selected by the High King for an impossible quest, and her dreams are just the beginning.

The Quest for Hope is book one in a new young adult Christian Fiction series, Invisible Battles. The story begins with obvious Biblical imagery of the Garden of Eden, but the book itself definitely has it’s own story that alludes to the allegorical nature of Narnia and Middle Earth without copying it completely. Full disclosure, waaay back in the day when blogging was not the industry it is now, I had a Xanga blog (true story) called “Chri-Fi Commentary” where I reviewed Christian Fiction - the good, the terrible and the plain uncalled for. I’m happy to say that while this does has not quite hit epic proportions it is solid piece of Chri-Fi for the teener set, and I think is shaping up to be a decent series. I hope that the internal monologue of Aliatta is continued through her story teller mantle and that the nature of evil in this world is fleshed out a little more (no pun intended) during the course of the series, as I think the struggle is obviously key to the story. If you are looking for a good, clean fantasy series for your kids this is a good one to start, even read aloud as a family.

Are you looking for ideas on how to incorporate more family time, such as read alouds? Check out some of the resources in the upcoming Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, only available April 27-May 2! 

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Please note, while there may be affiliate links or payment for reviews, all opinions are my own. You can't buy a good review from me, people. I am way too mouthy for that.


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