Mid-Mo Summer Reading Resources

My sister, the librarian, was on the ball enough to send me Barnes & Noble's summer reading program in April (when I am running on fumes to get through the rest of the school year much less plan for summer enhancement) and I realized that now that I have moved back to Mid-Mo I wasn't as aware of everything that is offered in terms of summer reading programs. Last year my daughter got 3 different books from summer reading, and I am personally thrilled to report that MU pediatrics offers books instead of candy as rewards for regular ped visits. Since I was compiling a list for myself and this is a blog about books, I thought I'd list it here for your convenience. Hope it helps!

 Available Online:
I will update as I find more, and please comment if you know of any not on this list and I will add. Also some of these places have adult reading programs too - parents model good behavior by reading both to and in front of your kids! Let your kids in on a secret...reading isn't just for school.

Stay at home parents especially, are you looking for some good homemaking and household organization reads? This week only, check out the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2016! It is a huge ebook library of resources all about modern homemaking, and includes some really cool bonuses too! This will totally last you through your summer reading! You'll notice an ebook about adoption in there...pssst, I wrote it :)

Please note, while there may be affiliate links or payment for reviews, all opinions are my own. You can't buy a good review from me, people. I am way too mouthy for that.


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