My sticky #momfail today

My mom fail today? Cleaning up OJ my daughter spilled IN her backpack. Seriously. Despite the "only water goes in the school water bottle" conversation, my very strong willed daughter figured that since today was a special read-a-thon day it warranted OJ, while not even bothering to check to see if this was all right with me. So this morning as we were supposed to be leaving for school I was dumping orange juice, complete with floating Skittles (NO idea where the Skittles came from) into the sink and telling her that she was just not going to have her homework folder, because she didn't bother to obey mommy.


Guess I should go ahead and watch today's video... Are you having a #momfail day today? Join me in my attempt to remind myself that it happens to all of us.

Please note, while there may be affiliate links or payment for reviews, all opinions are my own. You can't buy a good review from me, people. I am way too mouthy for that.


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