Book Review: Shadow Reign

Van Laven Chronicles: Shadow ReignVan Laven Chronicles: Shadow Reign by Tyler Chase
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Vaush has successfully been installed as the empress, and Comron could not be more proud, even if they still have to keep their relationship under wraps for now. He is frantically trying to economically bolster the image of his own House, Nethic, so that Vaush won’t have to pretend to court other houses for a marriage of convenience, and so far he has done a bang up job as her financial guru. But can Comron continue to hide his newfound gifts of the Murkdahl and use them for the common good, rather than the revenge he so desperately wants to enact? And can they put that aside to address the bigger threat of the Kurukaii?

Book 2 in the Van Laven Chronicles, Shadow Reign is the highly anticipated sequel to the Throne of Novoxos, and it delivers a fantastic continuation of the story. I loved the character development of Comron and Vaush, and honestly I loved some of the economic underpinnings and explanation of the universe they inhabit (spoiler alert, I’m a giant nerd and married to an economist.) I feel like the characters themselves were humanized distinctly in this book, and flaws were apparent and exploited. I am interested to see how the next in the series plays out, and if they can put petty local politics aside to focus on a greater threat, which we all know doesn’t often happen in the real world. Chase’s writing is spot on and moves quickly, and quite succinctly summarizes necessary but potentially dull information (yes, I get that not everyone wants to know the nitty gritty of geopolitical economics. You should, but you don’t.) Enjoy the read!

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