Book Review: Dragon Isle

Dragon Isle (The Legend of Vanx Malic, #2)Dragon Isle by M.R. Mathias
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Vanx Malic has to go to Dragon Isle to save Gallarael, the daughter of his former lover. To do that he has to get the blood of the most vicious dragon there, the crimson fire breather Pyra. He has help, but knows it will likely come down to him. What he doesn’t realize is his goddess will give him his own calling that will lead him to adventures he never anticipated.

Dragon Isle picks up immediately where book 1 of the series left off, with what’s left of the group fighting to save Gallarael. While an interesting read, and I enjoyed the change in scenery, it felt very much like a bridge or filler book. It didn’t quite measure up to the first book, even though it clearly moved the story along, which I appreciated. I’m not sure why, but I wasn’t quite as invested in these characters like the Wardstone trilogy or even the first book of the Vanx Malic series. It was a quick read and enjoyable, just superficial comparatively.

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