Ultimate Startup Bundle 2016!

When you’re bootstrapping a startup, it’s normal to have times when you feel stuck. Discouraged. And in way over your head.

Which is probably why so many startups fail in the early years. It’s hard to predict the bumps and roadblocks you’ll hit along the way, or which ones you’ll lose the most sleep over.

Of course, you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make things happen. Start and run your business lean. Hustle hard until you hit your stride. Study and learn from smart entrepreneurs who’ve gone before. I know I have had to with A Gift of Hope Adoptions.

But you’re up against a lot of challenges, too.

Maybe you’ve got great ideas but you’re lacking the specific business know-how. Money is probably tight. Your time is stretched thin. You’re bombarded with information but not sure who to listen to or what to do next.

You want to do things right and to do that, you need to learn from the best.

And that’s why the Ultimate Startup Bundle was created.

It’s a complete library of business and startup resources on all the topics you need to round out your business and avoid crucial mistakes along the way.

It contains 58 eBooks and 12 eCourses, all created by experienced business owners who’ve been there, done that, and really know their stuff.

These hand-picked resources are designed to address each part of your startup journey with all the right tactics, tools, strategies and business helps to guide you on the road to success.

Including resources like Hooked (Nir Eyal), The Growth Hacker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Jeff Goldenberg and Mark Hayes), The Lean Brand (Jeremiah Gardner), Born to Win (Zig Ziglar), and Booked (Josh Turner), it covers everything you need to know about:
  • Getting Started
  • Lead Generation
  • Mindset
  • Marketing
  • Getting Sales
  • Copywriting
  • Product Creation
  • Finance
  • Productivity
  • Scaling

With a product value of over $3,300, it’s the full meal deal and was carefully curated to give entrepreneurs like you an edge as you build your business.

In fact, it’s the sort of thing I only wish had been around when I launched my first startup.

At just $97 for the entire bundle, it’s a far cry less than you’ll pay for many monthly membership sites (often $50-$100 per month), online business courses (typically $999-$5,000), and let’s not even talk about the tens or hundreds of thousands you can spend on a traditional business degree.

With content from over 60 top authors, it’s a robust library of business resources that covers the A to Z of creating, marketing and scaling a successful startup. And since this is a book review blog I must point out that one thing that all high value executives have in common - they read.

But to get this incredible library you’ve got to act now because the Ultimate Startup Bundle is only around for a few days, and then the team that created it loses their license to make this incredible library available.

Many of the authors and publishers have taken a big risk to make this happen for you, and in return they’ve agreed to keep it to just 6 days.

As an added bonus, along with the products in the bundle you’ll receive free access to premium online software services to support your business, like ConvertKit, ClickFunnels, SamCart, and Thinkific, worth over $900, which makes the small investment of $97 even more of a no-brainer.
Don’t just survive the startup journey. Get the roadmap and guidance you need to make your business thrive. Click here to get your Ultimate Startup Bundle or learn more now.



If you have read this far I assume you are really interested, so here's a special bonus for you! Buy on Aug 3rd & 4th only - Free Earlybird upgrade! Buy the first 2 days of the sale and get the Start Up Accelerator, worth $97, FREE!!!!

Please note, while there may be affiliate links or payment for reviews, all opinions are my own. You can't buy a good review from me, people. I am way too mouthy for that.


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