Book Review: Saving Grapes

Saving GrapesSaving Grapes by J.T. Lundy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

From the author of Happy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthy (which I loved - read the review here) comes an altogether different genre of novel - the romantic comedy Saving Grapes. Because I loved the dystopian sarcasm of Happy Utopia Day, I was a little skeptical of the translation to a romantic comedy. Fortunately, I kept an open mind and was not disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, it was a much fluffier story than the other, but it was still a good, fast read, and managed to connect the Midwest and French wine country, which made me happy.

Saving Grapes starts with Jason’s legal problems complicated by the death of his champion, Aunt Clara. However, she left him a solution - hard work on the family’s vineyard, which he will inherit with proper adherence to the terms in her will. Of course he had to surrender his passport to the court and promise to pay damages, but selling the vineyard will solve all his problems with none of the hard work, right? Probably his BFF and sidekick Stumpy can help him get to Europe unnoticed. Thus ensues a transnational scheme to extricate himself from all his woes, complicated by an ex-wife, ex-stepbrother, and some extra slapsticky schemes aided by the free flowing alcohol inherent in vinting. Will Alan save the winery, solve his legal problems and get the girl?

Saving Grapes brings the humor that author J.T. Lundy is known for as well as the many subplots that somehow compliment each other rather than step on each other. I was a fan of the adoption subplot myself, given my occupation. Many times I thought to myself this would make a great screenplay, although IMO it is actually easier to understand the plot and keep track of it in book form. The slapstick comic stuff would translate well though. Saving Grapes is not set for release until May 5, so ff you are a looking for a light vacation beach read this is your escape!

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Please note, while there may be affiliate links or payment for reviews, all opinions are my own. You can't buy a good review from me, people. I am way too mouthy for that.


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