Book Review: The Wish Thief
The Wish Thief by C.D. Verhoff My rating: 4 of 5 stars Glory Alley is not a cool kid. She has a broken family, nerdy friends, and a curious spelunking hobby. When she finds a strange, perfect stone on a pedestal deep in the mountain near her home she knows it would be a perfect birthday gift for her mom, even though her mom died several years ago. But when she grabs it, the stone launches her into an interdimensional adventure she could have never dreamed of. Wish Thief is set in an alternate reality very similar to Earth, and is a very well done allegory. Targeting young adults but easily read by tweens on up, the book has beautiful imagery and displays teenage girl stubbornness rather accurately, if my memory serves. I do hope Mr. Verhoff turns this into a series as I would like to see how the story plays out. View all my reviews Please note, while there may be affiliate links or payment for reviews, all opinions are my own. You can't buy a good review from me, peopl...