Admitting Etiquette Defeat
Yep, I’m calling it. Daniel is officially 2 months old and I have yet to send Thank You cards, so the raw truth is – they’re not getting sent. Instead I sent a heartfelt email which I’ve copied below just in case I missed someone. Which, given my recent mommy brain issues, is almost a certainty. I have to assume that most mommies who have more than one child will identify with me privately, even if they are obligated to publicly flog my laziness and presumption. I assure you, if I got such an email I would be impressed and feel loved. I also assure you, that if in the highly unlikely event there are additional Ehlen children (which God would have to pretty much throw into my lap) their thank you notes will likely consist of a Facebook status or worse, a tweet. For those of you who know my life and my children and are wondering how I even got the email or this post accomplished, let me assure you that the sink was full of dirty dishes, the laundry was not done, David was at school, R...