Book Review: Who Told You That You Were Naked?

Who Told You That You Are Naked? Genesis 3:11: Live Without the Bondage of Sickness and Suffering (Unveiling Biblical Truths)Who Told You That You Are Naked? Genesis 3:11: Live Without the Bondage of Sickness and Suffering by Guy Right
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Do you understand the nature of God? Do you think of Him as a cosmic killjoy, an enforcer, or not paying attention up there? Do you wish that God would save you from your circumstances but find yourself wondering if He even wants to?

Who Told You That You Are Naked? Takes Genesis 3:11 and explains why the question is both necessary and revealing (pun fully intended) of the true nature of God. In short chapters author Guy Right - ok honestly, this pen name annoys me, despite how much I liked the book - breaks down the context of the verse and shows the application in other Biblical stories, and more importantly, uses it to reveal how much God really does love you. Not you in the collective sense, although He certainly does, but you as an individual, in the circumstances you find yourself in right now. Each chapter contains Scripture references already typed out, rather than just for you to look up, which makes it an easily applicable devotional or group study. I would really encourage anyone who has a Job complex to take a look at this and be reminded that God is, in fact, love.

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Please note, while there may be affiliate links or payment for reviews, all opinions are my own. You can't buy a good review from me, people. I am way too mouthy for that.


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